Okay, I admit it. I seem to have a knack for doing things the hard way. Who knew it was so difficult to manage a website, never mind a blog? Recording a podcast “snap” and Mac’s don’t get viruses, right?
Eric my very helpful web tech virtual friend says, “Make sure that blog is mobile friendly. Make it responsive and get that Twitter Bootstrap.”
I have no idea what he is talking about. I type out ‘Got it’ in reply and press send. Sitting back in my chair I say out loud to no one, “What was I thinking?”
Hesitation is not my strong point.
Don’t get me wrong. A bit of hesitation is a good thing. I could make a lengthy list of all the times a bit of hesitation helped me avoid a bad decision. It is a good virtue to have, as long as it isn’t your only virtue.
If I was prone to hesitating, there would be no amazing stories from hitchhiking across the US five times in the span of three years.
I would have never stepped onto that Aikido mat in 1986, filled with burly, sweaty men throwing each other around the room, had I been one to hesitate.
Chaos thrives on hesitation.
When chaos is reigning decisiveness is required.
Decisiveness leads chaos back to the comfy equilibrium we all know as order. Finding out the how-to of harnessing the ability to become decisive and focused during a chaotic event is my quest.
Sometimes to find out what works, we have to discuss what doesn’t work…providing yet another reason to keep coming back to this page and this podcast. Think: #LeadingChaos missteps.
Creating chaos and disorder to power over another person or group of people happens. I will explore this angle of chaos too, since identifying the root cause of an action is often the first step in finding a solution.
I’m interested in how you lead chaos in your own life – go to the comment buttom below or zap me a line via email at the icon at the top of this webpage.
Hesitation has its place, but not when it come to pressing the Subscribe button to the Leading Chaos Podcast right now.
Let’s lead chaos, before it lead us.
Be Safe.
Aloha Ria! Followed you on Sound Cloud. Don’t see any podcast episodes yet but looking forward to it! 🙂 Susan
Hi Susan –
Geez Louise – It is t-minus 10 days before the first podcast gets launched. I wanted to get the link set on SoundCloud, beforehand, to prep for the actual upload. I will do the same this week with iTunes. It is a busy week ahead, but oh so much fun.
i’m interested
Okie dokie – interest in?