Oh, what a week I have had!
The internet connection was so slow, I could boil water while waiting for basic emails to download, I have a laptop that keeps freezing on me, a blood shot eye that I wish I could blame on having too much fun, but instead it is likely due to too much stress. And that is just the short list of how chaotic it has been.
You’d think that someone who is hosting a podcast on leading chaos would have her act together and not get too thrown off by chaos.
Wouldn’t that be nice to be so super human that chaos rolls off my back like water on a duck. Ha. No. Hosting this podcast is as much for me as it is for you. No one, is perfect. When everything tumbled down on me this week, I lost it and found for a minute a bit of relief by letting out a primal scream.
It’s true.
I looked frantic and razzled, and it was not a pretty site.
But, so what. I recovered and turned my day around. Yes, I did my own version of the hokey pokey and turned my day around.
Hokey Pokey song to yourself
What is so amazing about the hokey pokey?
It is a physical act – a basic physical act to release stress. There is a reason that the hokey pokey gets played at weddings. Maybe it is a fun group activity, but it is the goofy act of doing the hokey pokey that really brings people together. Certainly the kids in the crowd love it, because it has adults acting silly. And silly is good. It gets us out of our heads and stiff attitudes and brings a bit of levity into our life if only for a moment.
Hokey Pokey song to yourself
I’m breaking it down to three options we can do when our body is going bonkers from all the stress and chaos in our life.
I do my own variation of the hokey pokey. And if you can’t stand the hokey pokey and I know that is so very true for many of us. At least do something physical to move stress in your body out.
Whether you are alone in your office broom closet, at your desk or able to step out on a country road with no one around. You can shift your body from a stage of heighten tension to one of released calm. Listen If I can do it, anyone can do it. I do not have any extra human strength powers.
Option 1– We’ve all heard “Shake it off already”
Like the coach on the football field, basket ball court, track whatever! Coaches say it to the players “Shake it off – and get back in there – – – make a goal”
I borrow that term and use it when I am up against a deadline and feeling really really tight in my body.
I can do it sitting, standing , even laying down.
Listen to the podcast episode as I talk you through a shake off – or just hmm the Hokey Pokey in your head
It feels good to release the stress – so shake it off. Easy to do anywhere, any time
Option 2 “Get a grip” is a not so kind thing to say to someone who is having a hard time. But we can take that action of gripping- tightening our muscles to a count of three to even 5 and then releasing.
I like to do this activity of tensing and releasing. And this is a key training tool we do in the Response Curriculum.
I wanna give you a taste of what it can feel like to grip and release to tap into your ability to release stress.
Listen to the podcast episode as I talk you through a a mini stress relaxation exercise– or just hmm the Hokey Pokey in your head
Option 3 – Make some noise!
Your voice is linked to your breath. Before I begin my podcast I do a bit of facial stretching and sound-making at the same time. I’m sure there is a formal word for this action which actors and public speaker use, but I am at a lost right now. So zap me a line and let me know if there is a word for this technque.
….I sound like Dory on Finding Nemo when I practice this exercise
I often get that yawn, which is a release of tension from making noise.
And the bonus option is to do the Hokey pokey – Music…Please
In review
You can shake it off
Get a grip
Make noise
And of course deal with it – the hokey pokey is what it is all about.
Free App – White Noise –
Great for drowning out the noise in your hotel room if the neighbor next door is snoring too loud.
Thank you for taking the time to comment on this site. If you are interested in making decisions for your kids – check out the Keep Kids Safe ACT – This is a super way for parents to take the lead.
Kind regards,